Friday, May 18, 2012

Getting to Know Me

Hola chicos! My name is Brigetta Super.  I'm an Engineering College Honors Student studying Chemical Engineering. This is probably my last chance to view the sun, birds, and other non-engineering people before I have to row with the rest of the engineering student/slaves in what will be a grueling senior year (yey!). On to more fun stuff...
That's me on the left (pinkies out!)
I'm going to Barcelona!! I'm all set to fly out next Sunday May 20th. For six weeks, I will be taking 6 hours of Spanish courses after which time I will have my Spanish Minor complete (por fin!). I'm particularly looking forward to my Contemporary History of Spain, especially since Spain is going through a tumultuous period what with immigration, the Euro, and unemployment. Knowing that I'll have my ears open and my backpack tightly shut.

Little about my program. I'm choose to study with IES Abroad Language & Area Studies (Program site) namely because they offered Advanced Spanish courses, had concurrent enrollment credit with the University of Rochester, and they had a home stay. Yep, I have a new madre named Mercedes and a roomie from Penn State called Brittany. 

I'll try to post regularly. Now, I have to chase down my dog Romeo who keeps trying to pull my swimsuit out of my suitcase.


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