Monday, May 21, 2012


After a layover in Newark, NJ and 7 more hours in a plane, I arrived sano y salvo in Barcelona at 9:30 Spain time. Flying over the city, I noticed there is no distinct skyline. Rather the city is spread out and and most of the buildings are natural shades of stone. After my passport was stamped I met up with the IES staff and my roommate Brittany.

After a short orientation, we caught a cab to our host mother's flat. The old buildings are well preserved but the elevators were not built for jumbo sized suitcases. After wriggling ourselves out of a space no bigger than Superman's phone booth, Brittany and I knocked on the door of our would be home for two more months.

We were greeted by our host mom Mercedes and her Yorkie, Fuego. Mercedes loves to cook, sew rugs, and spend time with her 13 grand kids. After being fed steak and broccoli casserole, I'm sitting here writing this and talking movies with Mercedes who has over 200 catalogued as well as any public library. She has all of Grace Kelly's, but confessed that she loves Inglorious Bastards too. I think we're going to get along fine.

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