Thursday, June 21, 2012

Island of Mallorca

If it's good enough for the royal family it's good enough for me. Last weekend our class flew across the Mediterranean (only a 30 minute flight) to land on the island of Mallorca. Mallorca is the largest of the Balearic islands. It gets it's name from the native fighters who were handy with slingshots (ballistics, Balearic, same root word). The first sight of Mallorca and arguably the most beautiful was the cathedral.

Cathedral of Mallorca 
Surrounding the cathedral was the old city, which had this archway left over from the time of the moors. And there were a pair of swans inside, which made it even lovelier.

Archway in old city
The inside of the cathedral was just as breathtaking (the stained glass - WOW). Mallorca has a larger cathedral than either Barcenola or Madrid. And I was surprised to find out that Gaudi had his hand in the restoration of the church. The hanging over the altar and the latern rings around the columns are all his designs.

Inside the Cathedral
The most controversial piece is this side chapel done by Miquel Barceló. It is very modern and all done in plaster. I asked my host mom about it and she hates it lol.

Side chapel
 And after a day of siteseeing it was on to the beach. :D
Beach in Mallorca


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