Sunday, June 10, 2012

Inside "The Pedrera"

Being inside Gaudi's Casa Mila also known as "The Pedrera" makes be feel I went inside a cave and a canyon in the middle of Barcelona. I liked the Casa Batllo of his better because it very whimsical, but I could appreciate The Pedrera just on its scale and how livable the house was for a modern person while looking like an enormous boulder. And imagine that this was all built in 1905-1910!

La Pedrera
This is what it looks like from the street. The models below capture how the whole thing looks. It's so large it's hard to fit in one shot!
Side view
Top view
 Inside the foyer of the building. A lot like being in an underground cavern!
 I think the chimneys at the top look like storm trooper helmets. :)
The roof
I wouldn't have ever pinned Gaudi as a pioneer of the beige on beige, but in the apartment on the tour there was a lot of natural stone and neutral colors. The rooms where spacious (but no right angles in the corners) and the ceilings were high. It looks more like our houses nowadays that even the houses 30 years ago.  
Kitchen counter
Love the floor tiles. 

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